It’s now been one year since Auto Body Clinic started our monthly Giving Back Initiative and I think we’re all really thrilled at what a great success it has been. Not only have we been able to contribute to some of our community’s greatest charitable organizations, but we have met some truly caring and amazing people. We met some of the volunteers at the Danvers People to People Food Pantry, and they are exemplary of just that! Volunteers collect food, purchase food from the Boston Food Bank, stock shelves, interview clients, and deliver food. The Danvers People to People Food Pantry was created by the Danvers Community Council in 1994 and is operated by a team of approximately 30 volunteers who are dedicated to community service.
The Food Pantry has a significant impact on families in our community – they currently have 560 registered families and average six to eight new families per month. This means that they are providing meals to approximately 1,200 Danvers residents, including children, in need. Clients are able to come in and “shop” for what they need including meat, dairy, eggs, dry goods, and fresh produce.In the last three months along, the Pantry has served almost 28,000 pounds of food!
They also run wonderful seasonal and holiday programs that include:
- Birthday presents
- Hams at Easter
- Backpacks for children every September
- Turkeys with fixings every Thanksgiving
- Christmas gift for Children
The Food Pantry is open Mondays and Thursdays from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm and on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. For more information about the Food Pantry go to
When we arrived during their regular hours of operation we saw an efficiently run pantry full of smiling volunteers and happy clients. There are lots of ways to help including food and monetary donations. The Food Pantry is able to purchase the majority of their food directly from the Boston Food Bank where they bring in 5,000 pounds of per month. One big area of need right now is for regular volunteers who can commit their time (and strength!) to help unloading the food from the truck. The time commitment is on the first Monday of each month from 8:30 – 9:30 am and on the third Thursday of the month from 10:45 am – 12:00 pm. If you can help, or to learn more about different volunteering opportunities, email: [email protected].
Please like their Facebook page to stay up-to-date on their events and news.