Customer Testimonials

  • They are the best - They were the ones to initiate the phone calls to my insurance company when I couldn't get a response.

    Mahmoud Y.

  • Great communication at every step of the way!

    Daniel H.

  • I am absolutely satisfied with the way the employees at this business treated her and they were really good at providing service. An employee named Winston kept me up to date, calling me every Wednesday, once a week. He was super helpful and I am very happy with his service. This facility made it really easy with the rental because I could pick it up from them.

    Lori B.

  • An excellent job was done on the vehicle. The car shined inside and out. I received prompt assistance upon arrival and departure.

    Donna R.

  • This is the best business I have been to. They are very professional, caring and quick. I was impressed and they did very well.


  • I found this shop on Yelp and the insurance website. The insurance company recommended this shop. The paint refinish was perfect, better than expected. You cannot tell there was damage. The staff was very friendly and reassuring. The repair time was exactly as estimated. The shop did a terrific job repairing the bumper. The paint job was flawless. Estimated completion day was accurate. Everything was handled between these guys and the insurance company. The rental car was arranged for us by them as well. It was easy and painless.

    Ellen M.

  • I was returned to a car that more than met my repair expectations. Thank you.

    Kevin T.

  • From start to finish, it was a completely awesome experience, from picking up the car in my driveway to dropping it off when done, in driveway. The workmanship is flawless, super neat, clean, etc. The people were so kind and informative, a complete joy. They went above and beyond, looks like a brand new car, thanks, super job!

    Tracy F.

  • The staff was professional and friendly. They answered any and all questions I had. The work was superb. I will recommend the Auto Body Clinic to others.

    Deborah T.

  • My car looks new, thank you. The body repair work looks great. The staff has always gone above and beyond with their customer service. There was good communication throughout the extent of repairs. Thank you. I would recommend this shop to others and will return in the future should the need arise.

    Dana R.

  • The paint refinish looks good as new! This shop has done work on my car before and I have been impressed with the result both times. I definitely recommend them to family and friends.

    Emily T.

  • The work was excellent with courteous service. I would recommend this shop to others.

    Steven H.

  • I was happy with the work the shop did and would recommend them to others.

    Michelle L.

  • Every interaction was perfect, full detail, clean and professional.

    Norman C.

  • The repair time was better than expected, thank you. From the first phone call to your shop I was impressed with the friendly person who answered the phone, very knowledgeable. The man who checked my damages out was great at assuring me I would be taken care of. The staff was very professional. I absolutely would recommended this shop to others. I was referred to this shop.

    Jeanne K.

  • I am a repeat customer at this shop. Andrea and the entire team at Auto Body were excellent. Karen was great as well. The repair time was better than expected. The service was prompt and I feel that the shop made a great effort to accommodate during a busy time.

    Octavia M.

  • I found this shop on the internet. The paint refinish looks like new. Every aspect of service was better than expected.

    James L.

  • The shop did an excellent job on repair of my car. It looks like new again.

    Peter M.

  • The car looked better than new when it was returned to me. I did not expect the repairs to take this long, but was called with updates from the Auto Body Clinic. I would recommend them very highly. The quality of their work is excellent.


  • I was extremely impressed with the paint refinish and repair work. I used to own and run a body shop so I look at the work on a deeper level. For a production repair shop, they produce show quality work. I was disappointed that I could not find anything to complain about. I highly recommend this shop.

    Stephanie H.

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