Supporting the Community That Supports Us

For over 40 years the North Shore community has supported our family-owned collision repair business. We feel it's just as important for our company to support our community, which is why we started our Giving Back initiative.

Our pledge is to make a contribution for every customer we serve to a local or regional charity every month that you help us choose.

2019 Donations

FebruaryMassachusetts Coalition for the Homeless$1,000
MarchLucy's Love Bus

2018 Donations

JanuaryReading Food Pantry$1,000
FebruaryFamily Promise North Shore$1,000
MarchAlzheimers Association$1,000
AprilChange Is Simple$1,000
MayDanvers People to People Pantry$1,000
JuneHorizons for Homeless Children$1,000
JulyCitizens Inn$1,000
AugustSEAL Legacy Foundation$1,000
SeptemberBeverly Bootstraps$1,000
OctoberSamaritans Inc.$1,000
DecemberToys for Tots$1,000

2017 Donations

JanuaryUNICEF and Doctors Without Borders$500 each
FebruaryChange Is Simple$1,000
MarchThe Power of Flowers Project$1,000
AprilDanvers People to People Food Pantry$1,000
MayPeter Frates Home Health Initiative$1,000
JuneBeverly Bootstraps$1,000
JulyRun To Home Base$1,000
AugustSEAL Legacy Foundation$1,000
SeptemberSamaritans Inc.$1,000
OctoberEllie Fund$1,000
NovemberCitizens Inn$1,000
DecemberAmerican Red Cross$1,000

2016 Donations

MayBeverly Bootstraps$1,005
JuneNortheast Animal Shelter$1,140
JulyReading Food Pantry$1,010
AugustSEAL Legacy Foundation$1,000 + sponsorship of foundation dinner
SeptemberCitizens for Adequate Housing$1,075
OctoberEllie Fund$1,000
NovemberMassachusetts Fallen House$1,000
DecemberHorizons for Homeless Children$1,200

Nominate a Charity

If there’s a charity that you would like to nominate to receive our monthly donation, please complete the form below.